Visit our Museums

Alpmuseum “uf m Tannberg” Schröcken

Alpsennereimuseum Hittisau

Angelika Kauffmann Museum Schwarzenberg

Egg Museum

Franz Michael Felder Museum Schoppernau

Mehr Informationen

Frauenmuseum Hittisau

Frauenmuseum Hittisau
Platz 501
6952 Hittisau
Tel.: +43 (0)5513 6209-30

Heimatmuseum Alberschwende

Heimatmuseum Bezau

Bezau Tourismus

Platz 39, 6870 Bezau, Vorarlberg
Tel +43 5514 22 95

Heimatpflegeverein Bregenzerwald, Egg


Juppenwerkstatt Riefensberg

Craftsmenship of the Region

In recent years an independent, design-oriented craft scene, parallel to modern architecture,
which is in high demand domesticly and abroad, has developed in the Bregenzerwald.

Around 90 innovative craftsmen – from carpenters to textile designers – have come together to display
their workpiees at the Werkraum Bregenzerwald.

Take a Look at the Bregenzerwälder Craftsmenship

Opening hours of the Werkraum house:

Tuesday to Friday 10:00 – 18:00
Saturday 10:00 – 16:00
Guided tours available on request.


Werkraum Bregenzerwald
Hof 800
6866 Andelsbuch

Tel .: +43 (0) 5512 26386
Fax: +43 (0) 5512 26387



Bregenzerwälder Dialect

The dialect of the Bregenzerwald is also called ‘Mundart’

The spoken dialects of the valleys in Vorarlberg have Alemannic roots,
and are reminiscent of Swiss-German and Swabian dialects.

Take a look at the “Wälderisch Dictionary”

Our Traditional Clothing

The Pride of the Local Women

The pleated Juppe with its filigree gold embroidery on the bodice and apron – in our dialect we
say “Müodôrë and Vöortuoh” – and the figurative, tightly strapped belts, make the costume so special, unique and beautiful.